Sunday, 30 August 2009

Suggest-a-Topic-O-Matic! 2! Economic Migration!

I’m glad someone finally mentioned this because I can bring about my expertise to the difficult challenge of economic migration! Which of course I am a double doctorate PHD.
When we consider economic migration (or EM as I shall refer to it when I get bored of typing that repeatedly) we have to ask ourselves a set of questions to help expand our understanding of the complex nuances. What is EM? What Causes EM? And how does EM affect us? These are just a few of the vast number of things we must consider when we simply ask Economic migration? Eh?
What is Economic migration? It’s when financial systems and the support they offer to the societies they inhabit move on to more lucrative subjects in neighbouring regions to feed off. The actual migration might be so small scale that a large enough subject, such as a country or city wouldn’t even notice, but smaller towns would soon wither away to be weak enough to be attacked by raiders, probably from former towns that too were once part of the Economic being’s life cycle.
What Causes Economic migration? Well that is up for debate, some believe that economic migration is caused by some sort of hive mind that belongs to the bank families, causing that bank colony to push their hive (or building society) into a river to float away into a more sustainable location, others believe that banks are comprised of individuals that all work on some sort of nomadic lifestyle, taking their vaults and tills into their traditional range rovers and set off as one tribe. I personally subscribe to the latter theory because it makes more sense, and because the former theory suggests that banking staff are not humans at all and that there must be a banking staff queen, giving birth to thousands of accountants a month.
No, that horrible image to dark to contemplate, and so economic migration is caused by the nomadic lifestyle that is traditional within banking families. Of course when I mention banking families, your natural assumption is to think I’m talking of the BIG banking families, such as the Rothschild’s, but banking staff are all banking families, it is not a career but a lifestyle choice of the tribe.
Banking being the nature it is, it soon causes a land to become toxic with debt and sub-prime mortgage lions start to invade the area, taking away young accounts playing with their first abacus.
So when an area becomes dangerous to the banking families, they pitch up their banks and move on to settle in an area full of rich fertile yuppies to be milked.
What does economic migration do to us?
That really depends on the area you live in. Areas that are becoming wild with Mortgage lions are soon to lose their banks due to economic migration, but this is a positive because the mortgage lions and other diseases that follow the banking families (such as in-the-red fever) soon leave the area, leaving the indigenous populace to reclaim the land, after months or even years, the land is fertile again and will once again become attractive to the nomadic banks that will once again find the area and settle down for the short period of time.
If your area is already filled with banks then everything will seem normal to the indigenous populace, and quite soon they become to wonder how they got on without banks, with being able to access their money supplies through the bank magic of chypeenpin, everyday life becomes easier. This ease of life is good at first and continues to promote economic growth but soon the indigenous populace becomes too lazy to work but still want money, so the nomadic banks offer their help, but then they want more money than they lent you, and this is due to their second and darker form of black bank magic called eyuntar ‘n’ rest and soon enough you have mortgage lions moving in.
The initial period of Economic migration is a joyous one, causing almost utopian levels of bliss in the areas they inhabit, but it soon becomes apparent that his symbiosis of banks and culture is actually a parasitic relationship. This is not the banks fault, it is their culture and their way of life and we should not begrudge them because it is all they know.
Unless it’s true that banks are actually a hive species, lead by evil queens pumping out larvae accounts designed to suck upon our very life force, in which case I would suggest burning down every bank hive you see! And just to be safe, use the flame thrower on any one in a suit too.

Ok I honestly don’t know anything about economic migration. You caught me, well done! But seriously, who does? I even Googled it and there was no Wikipedia! If Wikipedia doesn't know, then it doesn't exist!

Ok that’s all for today! Anyone else fancy picking a topic for the next time I feel like doing this? Please place all suggestions for the next topic into the comments box below. And also places all comments onto the comments box below.

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